Thursday, January 28, 2010

Migraine go away.............

Yesterday I had a migraine all day it was like a level 10 no sunlight no sound kind of day!!
So nothing got accomplished except Abi to school and dinner. My house still a mess and dishes from last night still in the sink, I awoke without a headache in a great mood and ready to conquer the world!!! (or at least my house)

So here I sit with my morning cup of coffee and the kids in good spirits. Its amazing what a difference my outlook on life is without a headache. They seem to be ruling my life these days and all the doctor did was prescribe me meds. and send me on my way! (Thanks for the help) They help a little I have to make myself comatose for a day for the migraine to go away Which I Hate!! I'm hoping that on my quest for better health they will go away???!!! *maybe??*

I am so behind I better get moving or I'll waste my day BBL!

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